Blue Bird
Original Size: 14 X 17 inches
Material: Pastels
Date: 2005
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Many people have asked about the back-story that accompanies each image. What lead me to draw the image? Why use a particular color or medium? What does it mean? I can tell you a lot about the “process” of creating a particular image, but I seldom have a reason for drawing it. As I explain on the “My Story” page, my process flows from a place beyond myself free of judgment and intention. I follow the lead of–what should I call it–intuition, inner voice, feeling. As such, these images are gifts and it is only by respecting that fact do I go public with them.
Imagine, then, that this site is a “re-gifting” of images to you. Let the pictures inspire your stories, uplift your mood, bring you laughter, tickle your imagination. Nothing too serious is going on here so have fun and if you would like to purchase an image or product, follow the instructions so that you can receive your picture or product quickly and safely. Above all, if you have questions, please contact me directly.
“Every child is an artist. The only problem is how to remain an artist as he grows up.” Picasso
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